Dynamic Learners
English 832.210.7521 Español 979.236.9304

Rita Gatson
Rita earned her Master of Science degree in reading education at Texas A&M and her Bachelor of Science degree in elementary education at Texas A&M. She has 30+ years of experience as a professional educator. She has taught reading for kindergarten through fourth graders. She is trained as a dyslexia specialist and is dedicated to identifying personal learning solutions for each student. Rita focuses on assisting students who have difficulty learning their personal skills and strategies to read successfully. When she personally gets to know her students’ strengths and areas for development helps her to build a curriculum on what motivates each of them to learn. Watching their reading improve by employing different strategies that work for each of them, brightens her day. All learners are individuals, who learn at different levels and rates. Rita is dedicated to never giving up on any of her students and working with each individually until they become successful readers.